Come with us and see the origins of our tasty cheese


Discover our new fondue

Discover our new fondue

Discover our fine cheese creationsn


Clever: Natour Le Gruyère AOP grated, in practical 10-gram sachets

Clever: Natour Le Gruyère AOP grated, in practical 10-gram sachets

Our cheese range has something to suit every taste



Discover our fine Fondues

The fresh, ready-to-use Natour fondue mixes always turn out perfect and ensure you have a cozy fondue evening. Just bring to the boil gently and the seven fine types that will suit every taste are ready to be served.

Fondue Gabel

Types of cheese

Try our popular cheese creations

Discover our diverse range of fine characterful cheese creations. There’s something to suit everyone’s taste from mild to tangy.

Types of cheese


Fine and tangy types of Raclette

There are lots of raclette fans and every raclette fan has their own favorite flavor. Whether classic or unusual – there is something exquisite waiting for everyone among the 11 Natour types of raclette with all kinds of ingredients and flavors. Have you found your favorite?

Grated cheese

Grated cheese

Dedicated to pure Enjoyment: Natour le Gruyère AOP grated.

Your customers will love it: The cheese classic Natour Le Gruyère AOP now comes as a grated version without any clumps. In a practical dispenser box with 100 sachets of 10 g each. For self-service or to give away with a menu.


About us

Find out more about our Adventures

For you, we will go over hill and dale, to the most remote valleys to find the dairy farmers and cheese makers whose traditional craftsmanship over and over again results in new, fascinating cheese creations. Go on a culinary journey of discovery!

About us