Join us on our adventure

Join us on our adventure

Our adventures

For you, we dare to be adventurous. There isn’t a road too long, a gorge too deep or a mountain too high for us. Our spirit of discovery takes us through our wild, mystical homeland with its fresh mountain streams, lush meadows, rugged rocks and misty valleys to the dairy farmers and cheese makers who surprise us with their inspiring stories and their traditional craftsmanship.

Surprising Cheese creations

And that’s how we bring varied, often unusual cheese creations back to our cheese cellar in Beromünster. They mature, stored on spruce wood, until their natural taste can develop fully and completely. Only then, do the cheese specialties get to bear the name Natour.

Culinary Journey of Discovery

Join us on a culinary journey of discovery through our beautiful homeland to see the origins of our tasty cheese – and take the best pieces away with you.

Reason why